Met Bruce, when he became a Test Rider at triumph where i worked, i had not been there long and we just clicked. I knew we would become friends but had to work on him to get his trust. it did not take long ..and the rest is history...I will never forget him showing me most of his favorite roads down south (he loved it there) ..I prefer to ride up North and west, so we swapped days where i would lead, and others he would..I must take this time to say..He was a brilliant rider, and i am not just saying that, i am proberley the most qualified person to say this as i have 15 years experience as an Instructor/Test Rider..and 35 years of riding motorcycles yes Brucey Boy you were and always will be in my heart, and evertime i ride down SOuth i think of you and feel you with me ....Wobbles..